- the new automatic compass declination code written by Adam Rivera
- new MAVLink stream handling
- improved telemetry rate negotiation with the new 3DR radios
The main features of the new arduplane 2.33 release are:
The ArduPilot development team is delighted to announce the release of ArduPlane 2.30. This release replaces the current stable release (version 2.28) and is a recommended upgrade for all ArduPlane users.
The new Geo-fencing feature for ardupilot mega is ideal for beginners who want to learn how to fly. The ardupilot mega geo-fencing feature allows the user to specify a GPS fence around a specific flying area, including a minimum and maximum altitude. Think of it as a box the aircraft can fly in. If your ardupilot mega powered UAV flies outside of this box, the autopilot will automatically take over and bring your Drone back to a pre defined loiter point and fly in a circle around that loiter point until you take over control again. This feature is ideal for beginners who are learning to fly as you if you fly too far away your UAV will turn around and come back home. If you fly too low or too high, Ardupilot Mega will take over and make sure you do not crash. Read more for some more info on how to use this new feature A new version of ArduPilot Mega autopilot has been released - the result of over a year of work by the DIYdrones developers. This new ardupilot mega board pushes the limits of Arduino and is smaller than the previous ArduPilot mega UAV board. This is a tipple core autopilot featuring new improved sensors like the latest Invensense 6DOF MPU-6000 chip Read more for more information on the new APM v2 UAV board. A new UAV/ MAV optical flow sensor has been released over at DIYdrones. This sensor will mainly be used for Arducopter Multi-rotor and traditional helicopters to improve position hold. This sensor is based on the ADNS3080 mouse sensor, and features a 8mm leans with 11deg FOV, ideal for low altitude position hold functions. A library to use this sensor can be found here This board has an SPI interface so it can be interfaced to many other micro controllers. This optical flow sensor is also for sale in the UK from UnmannedTech The much anticipated ArduIMU+ V3 is available for pre order in the UK. The final version of the board is in production and will be shipped within the next week. Documentation and example IMU code are almost complete and will be released as they become available. On a side note, this board is not a replacement for the OilPan IMU shield for ardupilot mega. A new version of the ArduIMU series is going to be stocked very soon. The ArduIMU v3 is the latest in the low cost and small IMUs which is arduino compatible (ATmega328 @16Mhz).This IMU includes the new MPU-6000 which has a tripple axis accelerometer and gyro built in. The MPU-6000 also takes care of sensor fusing with 24bit ADC sampling. This IMU also includes the HMC-5883L tripple axis magnetometer. You can use this for many applications that require motion measurement, such as a multi-rotor helicopter, model rockets, and many other robotics applications. Read more for the full feature list. Unmanned Tech now offer pre soldered ardupilot mega kits for those who dont want the extra hassle of having to manualy solder the boards. All the headers and connections are soldered as shown in the image to the right, so all you need to do is plug it in, upload the the arduplane or arducopter firmware, The new PhoneDrone Android/RC interface board is in final production and will be stocked at our store in the next few weeks. PhoneDrone is an Arduino compatible interface board that you can connect with any Android device (2.3.4 or higher), allowing you to use or phone to communicate with the RC/UAV world. THe board features 8 PWM inputs, and 8 PWM outputs, as well as PWM-to-PPM conversion and multiplexing between your RC gear and Android device. An example use would be where you could use or Android device for performing complex control algorithms using its inboard sensors (IMU/GPS) and send the output to your motors or servos.
For UAV applications you could use your Android phone as a long range wireless communications device instead of the more traditional data modems which have complexities due to interference between the modem and your RC gear. Alternatively you could use your ArduPilot Mega autopilot for aircraft control, and use your Android device to run complex navigation, path planning, or evin image processing algorithms (object tracking) and sending mission commands back to APM. The limit is only your imagination. The main change in the project is that all the code has moved from Subversion to GIt. The code is still on Google Code. Other than that some of the branches of ArduPilot Mega have been renamed as follows:
July 2013